orgies and perturbed-ness

[02/28/2002@4:29 AM]
[orgies and perturbed-ness]

test - 02/21/2018
change - 07/18/2004
good day - 04/26/2004
help - 04/15/2004
eh - 03/30/2004
When people forget little things it kinda makes me feel unimportant. Especially when its a little thing like a phone call. And plans for this weekend. But im making it a bigger deal than it is because... well because i always do that.

I talked to michelle today... we are going to rhps saturday night... She seemed normal and not in the least angry with me over what i said and she didnt even seem TOOOOO obsessed with jimi. So thats good.

I had a dream last night that i had sex with anthony kiedis and dave navarro. at a party. on the living room floor. with the party going on around us. it was nuts. it wasnt even like porno style, detailed sex. i dont even remember much of what happened specifically. i just remember laying on the floor with them, being touched all over, feeling good... looking up and seeing people walking around at this party and not even caring that they could see what was happening.... I know why I had this dream.. first of all, because i was teasing adam last night about putting up pictures of hot guys in my room and anthony kiedis and dave navarro were 2 that i mentioned, and second, i have been much more FREE and open about sex lately... not that I was ever closed minded about it, but im comfortable with sex as it relates to ME now, and not just as a general topic. So i think thats where the people watching thing came in. only, i guess they werent really watching, they were just sort of there... but i was ok with it. now, i certainly wouldnt be Ok with people watching me have sex in real life but im so far away from where i was before its unbeleivable... and i have the person with whom i am a little perturbed with at the moment to thank for it. so, thank you anyway, even though i am pertuRBED! thats a great word. perturbed.

and... oh forget it im not even going to get into it tonight. its to damn late already.


I read...
say somethin', will ya?

dee-signs � 2002
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