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02/21/2018 - test
07/18/2004 - change
04/26/2004 - good day
04/15/2004 - help
03/30/2004 - eh
03/19/2004 - I fucking hate JOBS!
03/16/2004 - fight
03/15/2004 - why bother??
03/14/2004 - hi
01/24/2004 - dear me
01/17/2004 - not fair
01/09/2004 - my only idea
01/05/2004 - walking contradiction
12/30/2003 - the way things stand
12/20/2003 - i guess
12/16/2003 - bondage
12/02/2003 - living with partner
12/01/2003 - the tears
10/08/2003 - This is for New York
09/30/2003 - most of the time
09/25/2003 - don't bother reading this
09/24/2003 - jobs
09/20/2003 - REM
09/15/2003 - times like this
09/14/2003 - (contented sigh)
09/10/2003 - the lazy way
09/09/2003 - same bullshit
09/07/2003 - picnic
09/01/2003 - romance
08/31/2003 - stupid entry
08/29/2003 - some things
08/27/2003 - is it selfish?
08/25/2003 - reality vs. delusion
08/24/2003 - random
08/19/2003 - living
08/17/2003 - ow
08/11/2003 - why can't anything just be good
08/11/2003 - waiting waiting waiting
08/09/2003 - rollercoaster
08/06/2003 - holy shit
08/06/2003 - Secretary
08/03/2003 - bee
07/30/2003 - balance
09/20/2003 - I'll make it to the moon if I have to crawl
07/19/2003 - please
07/15/2003 - not time
07/13/2003 - at odds
07/07/2003 - gone
07/04/2003 - money for me
06/28/2003 - But I WILL always be here...
06/25/2003 - job
06/24/2003 - interview
06/24/2003 - not knowing
06/23/2003 - sick
06/21/2003 - welcome
06/20/2003 - not ready yet
06/19/2003 - nope
06/17/2003 - Red Hot Chili Peppers
06/16/2003 - over reaction
06/13/2003 - (temporary entry)
06/13/2003 - skinny dipping
06/10/2003 - no jobs
06/08/2003 - the 'c' goes the other way
06/06/2003 - human nature
06/05/2003 - bipolar me
06/03/2003 - easy way
05/30/2003 - Like, so, like, I wanna lose some weight.. like
05/27/2003 - I love you and goodnight
05/26/2003 - yikes
05/25/2003 - Now.
05/22/2003 - fuck
05/21/2003 - anyone?
05/20/2003 - sometimes things work out
05/19/2003 - a place
05/16/2003 - 123abc
05/15/2003 - i know
05/14/2003 - pretty much the same
05/08/2003 - TOO MUCH to think about
05/05/2003 - breakthrough?
05/01/2003 - I see...
04/29/2003 - my quiz!
04/26/2003 - whatever
04/25/2003 - mistaken identity, wackiness ensues
04/17/2003 - PUSSY!
04/15/2003 - more ER crap, wartime
04/14/2003 - pt 2 Adam in the ER
04/12/2003 - pt. 1 Adam in the ER
04/10/2003 - terrible
04/10/2003 - sewer rats and my parents
04/06/2003 - 9 1/2 weeks
04/05/2003 - fuck 'em both
04/04/2003 - im a mean, mean bird momma
04/03/2003 - welcome new reader
04/02/2003 - 2 things
04/02/2003 - why do weird things happen to me?
04/01/2003 - 3 years
03/31/2003 - ny indefinate
03/26/2003 - ebay sales!
03/24/2003 - hole in my heart
03/24/2003 - Mmm, smell my shirt
03/22/2003 - cosmic joke
03/17/2003 - hypocrisy
03/15/2003 - guys and sex
03/11/2003 - any little thing to piss me off
03/09/2003 - just lonely
03/06/2003 - I can't be bothered
03/03/2003 - moving forward
03/01/2003 - strange conversation
02/27/2003 - eBay?
02/24/2003 - really bad night
02/22/2003 - misplaced life
02/20/2003 - got the tickets!
02/19/2003 - rhcp tix
02/15/2003 - satisfied
02/13/2003 - sick
02/12/2003 - Pedo Scam!
02/11/2003 - Calling Anne Rice
02/09/2003 - eh
02/05/2003 - Justin's invite
02/02/2003 - Sex and Taxes. YEAH
01/30/2003 - Anne Rice
01/29/2003 - Yup, And I'm still here
01/27/2003 - I'd like a lot of things
01/24/2003 - To My Future Self
01/23/2003 - Uh. Several things.
01/20/2003 - i want my friend back
01/20/2003 - bye
01/19/2003 - babies on the brain
01/11/2003 - 50 questions
01/08/2003 - what he did do
01/06/2003 - fuck yahoo!
01/05/2003 - learner's permit
01/04/2003 - driving
01/03/2003 - Quick
01/01/2003 - New Years Day (how predictable)
01/04/2000 - after christmas, before new years
12/21/2002 - Strange Happenings
12/19/2002 - other journal, more reminders
12/16/2002 - **REMINDER TO ME**
12/14/2002 - Simon Pant
12/11/2002 - X= s*p*l
12/08/2002 - malibu and missed periods
12/02/2002 - job?!
12/01/2002 - anti-feminist??
11/30/2002 - whiny teenager
11/30/2002 - turkey day not so bad
11/28/2002 - nervous turkey day
11/27/2002 - "Can I PLEASE read it?"
11/24/2002 - naughty knickers
11/22/2002 - 2 years...
11/20/2002 - new layout
11/15/2002 - no cake
11/03/2002 - purposeless
10/26/2002 - boring gifts
10/24/2002 - rain, rain go away
10/22/2002 - did i ever
10/16/2002 - my life in a (rather long) nutshell
10/13/2002 - fear
10/01/2002 - fear
09/30/2002 - Wasted worry
09/29/2002 - dragging on
09/27/2002 - shouldnt have hoped
09/26/2002 - I didn't borrow any fucking MONEY!
09/08/2002 - walk
09/05/2002 - maybe moving?
08/04/2002 - -
07/02/2002 - not MY fault pt. 1
07/01/2002 - our house
06/29/2002 - blarg
06/12/2002 - dead flowers
06/11/2002 - no
06/08/2002 - good stuff for a change
05/21/2002 - really long
04/14/2002 - drunk "T"
03/24/2002 - normal wants
03/21/2002 - angel eyes
03/18/2002 - that WHOO! thing
03/04/2002 - Strings
03/03/2002 - yes
03/02/2002 - la petite mort
02/28/2002 - orgies and perturbed-ness
02/27/2002 - michelle playing house and other adventures
02/24/2002 - lonely saturday night
02/20/2002 - Naked Outside
02/18/2002 - gun
02/09/2002 - not worth
02/05/2002 - Thees eees my dee screeption
02/02/2002 - Penelope
01/30/2002 - like david spade
01/29/2002 - moth's glass
01/28/2002 - he does
01/27/2002 - Timothy B.
01/26/2002 - he thinks im something
01/22/2002 - orange in the strangest place
01/21/2002 - guilt over guilt
01/13/2002 - black covered men
01/12/2002 - menstrual cycle status, also...
01/09/2002 - messy room
01/08/2002 - First entry

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