maybe moving?

[09/05/2002@10:22 PM]
[maybe moving?]

test - 02/21/2018
change - 07/18/2004
good day - 04/26/2004
help - 04/15/2004
eh - 03/30/2004
Yes... so.. umm.. damn. I never write in this thing anymore. Not that anyone reads it. So I lost my job because a woman who hated me always, and hated me more when i took her job, lied about me to my boss. I had that job for almost a year. Not that thats an extraordinary amount of time but when you consider the crap I put up with and how many times I said "One more chance..."

It was sort of like a bad relationship come to think of it. I knew I should have ended it sooner, but I didnt. For some reason I loved my job even though I hated it. And so I never dumped it, until someone lied and told it I was cheating, then it dumped me. err... Something. Anyway, I wanted to kill people over it for a few days but the anger has pretty much subsided. Well, ok not really. But I dont think about it 24 hours a day now. I have no idea what Im going to do now. But ive been giving serious thought to moving to florida with adam.

Not that that would be happening any time soon... We'd both need to save up some money. But its becoming more and more appealing every day. I feel like I need a big, big change. And he's wanted to move back there for as long as I have known him. I looked up a lot of info on the city he wants to move to, and its very beautiful... rivers and the ocean and pretty parks and gardens... lots of public transit, much more of a cultural district than good ol' Fort Worth.

This has been stirring around in my head for several days now, but I didnt really mention it to anyone except michelle. I didnt even mention it to adam until last night. I had been asking him an inordinate number of florida questions though, so Im sure he knew something was up. So last night when we went to eat dinner I said "So Ive been thinking a lot about moving to florida if you couldnt tell." And he said "Yeah, I didnt want to jinx it by saying anything."

Then we talked about it for a while, but the conversation was kind of cut short when the waitress informed us that they didnt accept debit cards and he had to drive around and find an atm while I waited at the resturant. He left town again early this morning and wont be back until sometime on sunday, but I hope to have a more serious discussion about it when he gets back.


I read...
say somethin', will ya?

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