X= s*p*l

[12/11/2002@10:39 PM]
[X= s*p*l]

test - 02/21/2018
change - 07/18/2004
good day - 04/26/2004
help - 04/15/2004
eh - 03/30/2004
I woke up this morning feeling like I was in an oven. I had turned up the heater on my bed last night because it's been so cold, apparently either I just underestimated the different in 3 degrees, or else the thermostat is broken. Of course then it was one of those catch-22 situations where if I took the blanket off, I was too cold, but if I left it on, I was too hot. Using just the sheet without the blanket as a compromise didn't seem to work either. I few minutes later, the house phone began to ring. I briefly considered getting up to answer it. I never answer the phone that early but it's mostly just because it means that I have to become conscious enough to realize that yes, that is the phone ringing, get out of bed, put clothes on, and rush out to the phone, and I don't think I've ever made it when I've tried that. Inevitably, the phone stops ringing as soon as my hand touches it. But this time, I thought, well, I have the advantage of being awake and alert already. Maybe I should get it? Nah.

The phone stops. I close my eyes. It begins ringing again. I open my eyes and again consider going to answer it. I think about the fact that it will probably be a telemarketer, and I'll be able to be all bitchy and say "Hey? Look! Did you just call here 5 seconds ago and not get an answer? Ok then dipshit, stop calling! And talk this fucking number off your call list!" Oooh, it's always fun to say that. But alas, not enough fun to make me get out of bed. The phone stops, I close my eyes.

5 seconds later, my cell phone rings. Oh jeez. This will be my dad telling me something ridiculous like please take the beef out of the freezer and why didn't you answer the phone? I pick up the phone and it's a number I don't know.

Turns out it was the old folks home calling to ask if I was still interested in the aviary position. Well, yes I am. However.

Let's just say, this job gives new meaning to the term "part time job." Like, let's say... 3 hours a WEEK. $40. Well, I say, Yes I am interested...

There are 2 very basic forces of logic working here. One says, $40 > $0.

The other says $40?? A week? WHAT?

I am still actually looking for a full time job. I haven't found anything too promising, but I am looking. And the aviary job is VERY flexible. One day a week, basically I get to pick the day and time. If I were to ever get another job that conflicted, I could just switch days or times. It should be a fun job, and when I DO finally get another job, I'm sure the extra $40 a week will still be welcome. If nothing else, it will feed my neglected eBay addiction. AND there is nothing better for networking and finding out about jobs than having one. You never know who you can meet that might know someone who is hiring. So, I'm trying to remind myself of these things as I think about the whole $40 thing.

I normally would have been ecstatic to have been called back for a job interview, but with all the extra stuff spinning around in my head about it, it didn't serve very well to pull me out of the crappy mood that accompanies my every waking hour these days. I thought Adam would be getting off at 2, so I planned to phone ambush him at 2:15 and talk him into coming over.

Well, long story short, I was wrong, and he didn't get off til 4, at which time he called me and we talked for about 20 minutes. He's totally broke and didn't even have enough gas to make it to my house. I told him that if his sis would lend him the money I would pay her back. She didn't have any money either. I was disappointed, but not angry. I told him that if he could figure out a way to get over here between now and tomorrow night, then I would pay for us to go to the open mic thing that he's been wanting me to go to with him. He said that he would be doing his best to get over here regardless of whether I was to give him money for that. He sounded pretty down, but each time I asked if something was wrong he said he was just tired. I sort of knew that wasn't the whole story but I didn't press it.

I honestly didn't expect to hear from him until late tonight, but at about 6 he called sounding in much better spirits. He ran through an obviously hastily put together plan of Kev wanting *something*, and as usual having no connections of his own, calling Adam, who, yes, knows where to get it. Across town though, and Adam has to pick it up in person, himself. Another condition of this illicit sale is that Adam come to my side of town to pick up a friend of the "supplier" who is apparently stuck or something. In the end, it seems, Adam will end up with gas in his truck and if it's not too late, he'll come see me.

Which is all fine and good, but something just didn't seem right, and I know how these things go. There's actually a simple formula which can calculate the amount of time a plan like this will take.

X= s*p*l

Where s is the time, in hours, it would take to do the mission if it involved less illicit substances, like, say, jelly beans. p is equal to the number of people involved in said mission, and l is the market price of lobster in Death Valley.

I said as much to Adam, less the cheesy formula. He immediately apologized and said he hadn't thought of that.(yeah right) I asked him why he didn't just pick me up while he was over here in the first place. He said "Because I have to pick up that guy"

Well, whatever. Yes his truck is small. But there have been 3 people in it before. A more acceptable, and true, answer would have been that I wouldn't want to be involved in the whole affair because of my refusal to be in the car with the previously alluded to illicit substance. But he didn't think of that apparently. I told him I was glad there was at least a chance that he would be able to come over. He promised to call me when it was done.

About 4 hours later, I tried calling his house. Not there. Tried calling Kev and J's. Kev says he was there earlier, but is not anymore. What time earlier? About 6. I asked Wasn't he supposed to be bringing something to you? No. Did he say where he was going? Kev assumed he was going home.

Then Kev asked me if there was something wrong with Adam. Apparently he was acting very down, didn't talk much, left quickly. What the hell? I guess he would have had to have gone to Kev and J's to get the money, first off. BUT, Kev would not have assumed him to be going home in that case. He would have assumed him to be going to my side of town, and then returning once again to Kev and J's.

Long story short, it's 11:20 and I don't know where my boyfriend is. And after what happened on my birthday, I just don't know what I'm gonna do if I find out that he lied to me..

******Update at 2:34*******

He called about an hour ago. Predicable mayhem, ala the X=s*p*l. I wasn't happy about the whole situation, but he honestly didn't do it on purpose, and he's promised to come over tomorrow. He understand why I was upset and feels bad. He never tried to turn it around and blame it on me, and the whole situation with Kev checks out. Yeah I know I worry a lot.


I read...
say somethin', will ya?

dee-signs � 2002
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