over reaction

[06/16/2003@2:37 AM]
[over reaction]

test - 02/21/2018
change - 07/18/2004
good day - 04/26/2004
help - 04/15/2004
eh - 03/30/2004
I'm just very annoyed with people right now. Myself included I suppose.

Scene: Macaroni Grill after Mark's dance performance. Mark has drawn an unusual vagina on the paper "table cloth" and we are all cracking jokes about it.

Me: I think I want you to paint that in bright neon colors on a huge canvas

Mark: Very psychedelic

Me: yeah

J***: I don't think I'd want that on my wall

Me: oh yeah, I'm going to have it done on a floor length canvas and hang it on the wall in the apartment if I move up there (NYC) with you guys

J***:you aren't moving in with us! I don't want a lot of people around

(the whole tone of the conversation has changed)

Me: (looking at Mark) Uh... I might...

J***: I don't want to live with a lot of people. I need my space.

At this point, the waiter came over and the subject was dropped. I was in Christy's car with her, Mark and J*** were in his dad's truck. I guess I was kind of quiet the rest of the night, thinking about all this... I mean, we were just JOKING about things and Josh had such a negative reaction... Maybe I should take what he says about wanting his space at face value, but I don't. I think he has this idea that they are going to move up there and he is going to have Mark all to himself, and not have to share his attention with anyone. Mark said that he is even against the idea of people VISITING them. When they were talking about it, J*** made comments about not wanting to have someone staying with them all the time. Which is understandable, and yes the apartment will belong to BOTH of them, but Mark actually HAS friends outside of J*** who want to come visit.

Christy, of all people, pointed out that while things haven't exactly worked out the way I wanted them to with NYC, Mark and I HAVE been trying to plan moving up there for almost as long as we've known each other, and it's not J***'s place to decide that that shouldn't happen.

I didn't have a chance to talk alone to Mark about it until much later in the night, when we went to a friend's apartment to swim/sit in the hot tub. J*** was lagging behind, getting something from the car, and Mark caught up to me and we had a micro-conversation ... we manage to say quite a bit in a few words

Mark: you ok?

Me: I'm just thinking too much

Mark: What?

Me:J***'s extreme reaction at the dinner table

Mark: we talked about it

Me: In the car, after?

Mark: yes, I told him not to worry about it, it wouldn't be right away anyway

Me: obviously he feels strongly about it, quite a reaction for just a passing, joking comment

Mark: I know

Later, J*** left the hottub to cool off in the pool and Mark, Christy and I talked about it briefly. Mark made it clear that J***'s attitude about the whole thing is NOT OK with him, I mentioned several things, that its not like I would be sharing a room with them, that there would probably not be much time spent in the apartment anyway, that if I DO come up there and spend any amount of time, get a job, etc, while still in their one bedroom, that I would be perfectly willing to help pay the rent. Apparently J*** said something to the affect of, that I need to see it from another point of view, for example, if Adam and I were moving up there and Mark wanted to stay with us, and Adam didn't really want him to. Mark said he knew that I would welcome him any time, for as long as he wanted. J*** said, but what about Adam? Mark said that Adam is not that kind of person....

Too many distractions, more later.


I read...
say somethin', will ya?

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